Category: Massage Advice
Massage Advice
Young Living
Raindrop therapy – What is this?????
Raindrop therapy is a technique of gently dripping (like raindrops) high graded essential oils along the spin. The technique was developed by D. Gary Young, aromatologist and well-known expert on the art and science of aromatherapy. The chosen oils are softly worked into the nuscles of the back dispersing the oils along the nerve pathways. […]
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Swedish massage helps with Anxiety disorders (GAD)
Forty-five minutes of Swedish massage twice a week for six weeks, reduced the effects of GAD. A study done by the Massage Therapy Foundation showed a reduction in Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale scores after the twelve treatments. I found this information in the Massage Today publication, 01.2018 RESOURCE Rapaport MH, et, al. “Acute Swedish Massatge […]
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The theory of Knots
What exactly are these irritating bumps in our bodies that are so sore at times? They are known as myofascial trigger points, also known as, abnormal areas in the muscle. I’ve been getting lots of questions about what exactly are these things and how do they form, so for those of you who have asked, […]
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